MojitoSwap (MJT)
Total Value Locked$792,543Â Â .csv
KCC | $792,543 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$554,929 |
Staked | $554,929 |
$18,654 | |
$7,442 |
Protocol Information
Mojito Finance is a decentralized exchange running on KCC, with lots of features that let you earn and win tokens. It is fast, cheap and easily accessible as it is not difficult to use. It has currently opened Trade ,Bar (Farm) and Wine Pools. Other functions are on the way. And it will continue to launch interesting functions such as Cocktail Tickets and NFT in the future.
Forked from:Uniswap V2
TVL: We count liquidity and staking on the dexes, pulling data from subgraphs
Fees: The transaction fee on MojitoSwap is 0.3%
Revenue: Revenue is 0.12% of each swap