iZiSwap (IZI)
Total Value Locked$92.87m  .csv
Taiko | $82.08m |
Linea | $3.09m |
ZKsync Era | $2.03m |
ZetaChain | $1.57m |
Scroll | $827,167 |
Manta | $676,865 |
Base | $621,407 |
Gravity | $481,450 |
BOB | $408,756 |
IoTeX | $242,700 |
BSC | $169,826 |
Kroma | $140,209 |
X Layer | $121,549 |
Ultron | $87,679 |
Mantle | $58,934 |
Mode | $58,818 |
Hemi | $44,674 |
Zkfair | $36,642 |
Morph | $35,207 |
Kava | $31,280 |
ZkLink Nova | $25,877 |
CORE | $8,026 |
Arbitrum | $5,568 |
OntologyEVM | $4,391 |
Blast | $2,667 |
Aurora | $1,685 |
Meter | $262.32 |
Polygon | $82.12 |
Ethereum | $6.41 |
Cronos | $2.07 |
$16,763 | |
3 | |
$30m |
Protocol Information
A next-generation DEX on BNB Chain to maximize capital efficiency with the innovative Discretized-Liquidity-AMM model
Fees: Swap fees paid by users
Revenue: Percentage of swap fees going to treasury and/or token holders
Users: This only counts users that interact with protocol directly (so not through another contract, such as a dex aggregator), and only on arbitrum, avax, bsc, ethereum, xdai, optimism, polygon.