BabyDogeSwap (BabyDoge)
Total Value Locked$2.17m  .csv
BSC | $2.17m |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$84,841 |
Staked | $84,841 |
$2.34m | |
$650,919 | |
$216,953 | |
11 | |
Protocol Information
Meme of BSC hold, pet, love, & help save dogs! BSC Farms & Swap
Forked from:Uniswap V2
TVL: Total TVL in all farms and BabyDoge staking pool
Fees: Fees collected from user trading fees
Revenue: Up to 0.1% of user fees are distributed to treasury
Users: This only counts users that interact with protocol directly (so not through another contract, such as a dex aggregator), and only on arbitrum, avax, bsc, ethereum, xdai, optimism, polygon.