Total Value Locked$68,774
Arbitrum | $68,249 |
OP Mainnet | $524.27 |
Include in TVL (optional) | |
$1,398 |
Staked | $1,398 |
$7,674 | |
$756.4 | |
1 | |
$0 | |
Protocol Information
Zyberswap is one of the first decentralized exchanges (DEX) with an automated market-maker (AMM) on the Arbitrum blockchain.
Token Information
Fees: Sum of all fees from Zyberswap AMM,ZyberSwap Stableswap,Zyberswap V3
Revenue: Sum of all revenue from Zyberswap AMM,ZyberSwap Stableswap,Zyberswap V3
Users: This only counts users that interact with protocol directly (so not through another contract, such as a dex aggregator), and only on arbitrum, avax, bsc, ethereum, xdai, optimism, polygon.