Total Value Locked$605.05m
Ethereum | $230.13m |
Bitcoin | $132.77m |
Mode | $95.73m |
BSC | $92.98m |
BOB | $39.81m |
IoTeX | $8.81m |
Mantle | $2.75m |
Bitlayer | $1.26m |
BSquared | $505,551 |
Merlin | $140,280 |
Arbitrum | $131,921 |
ZetaChain | $16,740 |
OP Mainnet | $15,008 |
Protocol Information
Bedrock is a non-custodial solution designed in partnership with RockX, a longstanding blockchain infrastructure company with strong roots in crypto staking. Designed with institutions in mind, Bedrock is a platform focused on security, compliance, and transparency.